5 Activities for a Rainy Day

(…or during this unprecedented time of social distancing)

As I sit at my kitchen island and begin this blog post, we are now on day 3 of cold and rainy weather here in Kansas City, combined with the start of social distancing. I’ve been thinking A LOT about what to do and how to structure my time while at home.

There’s no way around it, we are living in some challenging times. I don’t really want to get into all the things I’m worried about because most adults I know are already there and are concerned about the same things (the health and well being of our families, how long this will last, what ____ event in the future will happen or not happen now, how will we balance our kids being at home and having to work from home, how will this shutdown impact our finances, how can I balance my kids’ screen time, …sound familiar?). I do think it’s important to acknowledge these concerns and let you know that you are not alone! My blog and Instagram account are meant to be fun, light, and a bit of a distraction from the stresses of the real world so I’m going to keep this post going that direction…

To put some good vibes out into the world during this time, I plan to release versions of 5 Activities for a Rainy Day – for both adults and kids. I’m creating these lists, being mindful of cost and the current limits we have on our public activities. I really view this time as an opportunity to return to some good, old fashioned FUN and interaction with those in our home.

Volume 1 – 5 Activities for a Rainy Day/Social Distancing (for Adults)

1.) Turn Date Night into a Take Out/Stay In Night!

Find a Fave Restaurant on Uber Eats & Get it Delivered!

Check out Uber Eats or Door Dash and get food delivered to your home. You can add delivery notes that include a “no contact” option.

Support your favorite local restaurant (if they’re not on one of the options above) and see if they do carry-out. Use the drive there as a way to change up the scenery and get out of the house!

Stream a new movie you haven’t seen, play a game together, or just talk with electronics and phones put away!

2.) Gifting – Get Organized!

Online Shopping for Gifts Can Support Small Businesses Now

When you’re not working remotely, use that *extra* time at home to get organized for when things speed up again. Make a list of all the birthday and/or Christmas presents you’ll need to buy this year and begin finding gift ideas online!

As you make your lists, consider how you can support small businesses through these gifts! Perhaps purchase now the gifts you’ll need over the next 1-3 months. You’ll eventually be spending the money anyway, and if your budget can afford it, this is one way you can support these businesses who are closing to help avoid the spread of Coronavirus.

3.) Clean Out a Closet!

First, make a donation pile that you can get out and donate at a later date.

Leverage your cast-offs that might still be worth $$ by listing them on Poshmark or ThredUP. If you’re unfamiliar with these sites, use this time to learn about them, create an account and start making money from your used items!

List Cast Off Clothing Online & Make Money!

4.) Try A New Recipe

Take advantage of being at home by trying new recipes! When I have time on my hands, I find so much comfort in cooking or baking. In the last year, I’ve shared two really great comfort recipes here on the blog.

Homemade Pizza

The first recipe is for homemade pizza. Because the dough has to rise, this is not something I would make on a typical weekday. Since things aren’t necessarily typical now, I would consider making the crust in the morning as I drink my coffee so that it’s ready for later in the day. Then you can prep all the accouterments later and have the pizza(s) ready to go by dinnertime!

The next recipe is for classic chocolate chip cookies that use coconut oil instead of butter or Crisco. They are my family’s FAVORITE but cookies require a little bit of extra time and work to make – they’re something I would normally bake over the weekend!

Yum! Chocolate Chip Cookies!

5.) Go On a (Longer) Walk

Time @ Home = Quality Pup Time!

I’m extremely thankful for the time at home because it means more time I can put into walking and running each day. My morning runs have always helped me relieve stress, find balance, clear my mind, and give me an opportunity to set priorities for the day. In fact, I was writing this blog post in my head as I ran this morning! 🙂 I’ve been lengthening my morning runs the last few days and I’ve also been taking Kai on long evening walks, which he appreciates.

We have a great park right down the street from our house and Kai loves to chase tennis balls there. We don’t take him to the park enough so I’m grateful for the time to do so now.

*If you didn’t walk or run much before, please be careful and consult with a doctor before you begin!*

He would chase tennis balls all day if we let him!

There are 5 low-cost/no-cost activities to help you get through the social distancing of Coronavirus…or save for a rainy day! What is one thing you’ve enjoyed doing during this unexpected time at home? I hope you stay happy, safe, and healthy!